
CIT Hair Regrowth

What Is CIT For Hair Restoration?

CIT (collagen induction therapy) is a cutting-edge, non-surgical treatment with many health and cosmetic benefits, one being hair restoration. If you suffer from hair loss or thinning, a CIT serum can be injected into your scalp to grow thicker, fuller hair. London Laser provides CIT for hair restoration to men and women in London Ontario. To regain confidence and a full head of hair without surgery or downtime, choose CIT!

How Does Micro-needling (Dermaroller or Dermastamp) Treat Hair Loss

While microneedling (dermarolling or dermastamp) is widely used as an anti-aging skin or scar treatment, it has gained popularity for the treatment of androgenic alopecia (genetic hair loss). Theoretically, the collagen and healing properties that are induced by creating tiny wounds in the skin are thought to also regnerate miniaturizing hair follicles. Additionally, it is believed that microneedling (dermarolling) may induce stem cells in the scalp, which can lead to hair re-growth and regeneration. Moreover, the use of microneedling (dermarolling or dermastamp)  also promotes the absorption of topical hair loss solutions like those used in XCELLARIS PRO. XCELLARIS PRO, the new Hair Growth treatment by Dermaroller ® is designed to create the optimal conditions for reversing the process of hair loss.
XCELLARIS PRO is based on natural & highly potent active ingredients which target the hair follicles and the surrounding skin tissue. There have been some studies that also suggest microneedling (dermarolling or dermastamp) may reduce hair follicle inflammation usually associated with alopecia areata an auto-immune condition that causes patchy hair loss. Chemotherapy can also cause hair loss and that can be treated by laser therapy alone. Read more about our program for chemotherapy patients here.

How Does the Dermaroller Hair and Scalp Treatment Work?

During the Hair & Scalp treatment a professional micro-needling machine infuses therapeutic ingredients into the scalp. These ingredients rejuvenate the hair follicles, block DHT and help the hair grow thicker and healthier.


How Many Treatments Do I Need?

You will need 8 consecutive treatments for optimal results.The entire procedure takes 30 minutes to an hour to complete, but you will be able to drive yourself home afterward and resume your regular routine. There is no downtime!

What Can I Expect From the Results?

Results are individual and can vary between people. Patients usually see improvements in hair thickness, texture, and growth within a few weeks after treatment. Generally, the results are most visible 2-3 months after the 8th treatment. 

How Can I Maintain My Results?

To complete the professional treatment and maintain results, you will be provided with a bottle of Hair Lotion to apply at home. The lotion protects the recovering follicles and nourishes the scalp. To maximize the efficacy of the Hair Lotion, it’s recommended to gently needle the scalp with Dermaroller® Home Care Roller every other night before application.

You will need maintenance treatments every 1-2 years to maintain the results of your hair restoration treatment. No procedure can change your genetic predisposition for hair loss, so subsequent sessions are strongly encouraged.

How much does it cost and what is included in the price?

 Hair restoration is available only as a package. It is important that to see results the entire program must be completed. As we tend to want immediate results with anything we do, we feel it is to your benefit to pay up front so that you are more likely to continue through with the entire program.

You will come in once a week for 8 weeks.  Each week we do  microneedling, low level laser and serum.

You will take home a hair lotion to put on and massage your scalp every night.  You will also receive a dermaroller to use every other night for 3 to 5 minutes.

The cost for the CIT Hair Growth package is $2879.00 plus HST.

See Our Other Hair Regrowth Programs

Laser Hair Regrowth
Keravive Hydrafacial
Ultimate Hair Regrowth Program


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